A powerful covert solution that requires no GPS, Lidar, Lasar, Radar or image recognition software.

Target Acquisition System

SPARC AI’s Target Acquisition System is a proprietary software for determining the geolocation and distance to any distant object, without connection to GPS or satellite.

This powerful surveillance solution does not rely on lidar, radar, laser, image recognition software of complex sensors.

The Target Acquisition System is highly accurate and can be installed on any camera device from drone cameras to large surveillance systems.

Integration With PARROT ANAFI USA Drone

Use the SPARC AI Target Acquisition System and Autonomous Flight with your Parrot ANAFI USA Drone.

Fully integrated and can be deployed in less than a minute

  • Record the distance between the drone and any point of interest in seconds.

  • Record the location of any point of interest

  • Works in GPS-denied environments

  • Fly autonomously to any point of interest and fly home capability

Autonomous Flight

SPARC AI’s Alternative Navigation System powers autonomous flight for UAVs and drones, without GPS.

  • Target Acquisition – Zoom and target a point of interest and records its location and distance.

  • Using SPARC AI to autonomously fly and self navigate to a point of interest.

  • Self navigates and return to base

STRIKE 1 - Loitering Munition Drone

SPARC AI is developing the technology for a low-cost loitering munition drone ’STRIKE 1’.

STRIKE 1 is being designed:

  • to be geo-spatially aware, calculates location and distance of target enemy onboard the drone

  • to work without GPS or connection to satellite or a radio connection to a controller

  • to operate in a network of drones in an orchestrated attack

The company will look to licensing the technology to defence contractors that can take the product to market.

Given the potential dangers of using this technology, STRIKE 1 will only be sold via appropriate channels. The Company will seek legal advice before entering into any commercial contract.